Sunday, September 13, 2009

A walk in nature increases one's memory

Have you read about the new study that shows a walk in nature can increase your short-term memory by 20%.

Here is the study (I haven't read it fully yet... but I saw it linked from a couple web sites and psych blogs).

Here is a psych blog introduction to the findings.

Personally, I find most any exposure to natural settings of trees, mountains, fields, heck... even a marsh area, can be invigorating for my mind, memory and general creative energy. So if your latest design/creative project is stagnant and your mind is slow....get outside!

Pic is from one of my family camping adventures into remote Northern MN. It was 19° F in the AM and rose to 70° F by noon... yes, our short-term memory was very sharp.

Creative Remodeling

Interior design is another area where good design sense and production skills pays dividends. I had the unique opportunity to remodel my kit...