Saturday, February 18, 2012

Appreciation of Beauty is the Core

Last weekend I was reading the philosophy of heavy-weight designers and creative gurus like Dr. Clotaire Rapaille and his Reptillian Brain Theory or "collective cultural unconscious" where we find that the general consumer population has certain deep attractions for products and material goods that they can't easily explain verbally. The famous product designers, Richard Seymore and Dick Powel echo similar ideas regarding feelings and how they move us to appreciate design qualities such as beauty. Denis Dutton, the philosopher and editor articulates that our understanding of beauty is the core of being homo sapiens. 

In the future, I'll try to post how this research influences upcoming marketing meetings I'm involved with... as we set a course for major consumer marketing campaign. BTW how does this photo influence your feelings? Inviting? Unreachable? Luxurious? Peaceful? I took the photo while on assignment in a stately MN Home.

Creative Remodeling

Interior design is another area where good design sense and production skills pays dividends. I had the unique opportunity to remodel my kit...