Friday, April 30, 2010

Monetizing Twitter?

The 2009 FTC regulation change that was directed at bloggers and product endorsements seems like it could offer some insight into Twitter relationships/endorsements as well. Read a more complete review of this FTC action in this NYT article.

Sometimes we forget that the new media, such as Twitter, is an effective and aggressive tool of capitalism. Slowly more people are becoming aware that famous twitter personalities, are getting $ to gently endorse products. Adding to these planned/tainted motives are bots cranking out the tweets every 5 minutes vying for your precious attention and buying power. BTW, can anybody really keep up with and follow more than 60 twitter persons? Doesn't following 2000+ tweets seem excessive, especially when some are tweeting around 5X a day?

It appears the pure stream of real people and their opinions is beginning to suffocate in the crowded and frenetic pool of strategic commerce.

Twitter is a great way to briefly communicate with a bunch of people. But just like our parents said, "don't believe everything you read or hear".

Photo is of a classic Minnesota fishing boat tied to the dock and ready for an adventure.

Creative Remodeling

Interior design is another area where good design sense and production skills pays dividends. I had the unique opportunity to remodel my kit...