Monday, July 15, 2013

Stand Up Desks for the Creative Professional

One of the top viewed posts I've written was the Standing Desks and WorkStations, in March of 2011. It lays out the benefits of escaping from being trapped in a chair all day, especially for a creative professional. As we all know standing all day is not good either. The solution: A work station that allows one to instantaneously sit or stand as you choose while remaining effectively engaged with your computer is ideal.
For full disclosure, I work for Ergotron which designs and makes sit-stand WorkFits.

We were ahead of our time, now the AMA , on June 18, 2013, announced it recommends the same.

Health Risks of Sitting
Today, the AMA adopted policy recognizing potential risks of prolonged sitting and encouraging employers, employees and others to make available alternatives to sitting, such as standing work stations and isometric balls. “Prolonged sitting, particularly in work settings, can cause health problems and encouraging workplaces to offer employees alternatives to sitting all day will help to create a healthier workforce,” said Dr. Harris.

Anyhow, I'm very excited and wanted to mention we are working on some great new WorkFit products that will directly impact the creative ad agency world. Stay tuned.

Creative Remodeling

Interior design is another area where good design sense and production skills pays dividends. I had the unique opportunity to remodel my kit...