Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Studies about Inactivity

The company I work for, Ergotron,  has an excellent summary on their blog, regarding the concerns of sitting too much and some recent research on this topic.


Unfortunately, many of us are stuck long hours sitting at a computer.  Did you know just standing more each day burns extra calories, tones muscles, increases blood flow and ramps up metabolism and increases productivity. Encourage your family and friends to stand-up more.

Here's another new product from Ergotron (not yet released) that will help people stand and sit throughout their day.... and get the creative juices flowing.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ergotron's Sit-Stand Workstations in Local News

Minnesota's CBS group, WCCO, ran this article and video last night.

Eagan-Based Company and Sit-Stand Desks

In fact, it is just the latest in a long list of news organizations that are singing our song this year. As I've mentioned before, I work for Ergotron (Marketing Creative Director), and its been rewarding seeing our products and creative messages have some impact.

6/16/2011: WCCO News: Eagan-Based Company Cashes In On Sit-Stand Desks
6/16/2011: Star Tribune: New reason not to sit down on the job
6/15/2011: B2B Magazine: The uprising: Just stand! from Ergotron
6/6/2011: Buildings.com: 2011 Top Money-Saving products (See Occupant Wellbeing)
5/25/2011: KARE11 News: Stand up for your health
5/17/2011: KSTP News: FEATURED LINK: 'JustStand'
5/5/2011: Lifehacker.com: How Many Calories Would You Burn If You Switched to a Standing Desk?
5/3/11: Notebooks.com: Standing Desk Guide: Measurements, Examples, Benefits and Ergotron WorkFit-S Review: Standing Desk with Hinged Dual LCD Mount (Video)
3/2011: TwinCities Business Journal: The Big Stretch
2/26/2011: KARE11: Body monitor provides KARE 11 staffers surprising results
1/19/2011: Chrisfreytag.com:  Sitting Around Could Actually Be Killing You - So Stand UP!
1/17/2011: KARE11 News: Motivation Monday: Stand up for your health

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Most Dangerous Thing You'll Do All Day

Interesting article, The Most Dangerous Thing You'll Do All Day

By Bill Phillips and the Editors of Men's Health
Mar 30, 2011

It's very timely given my post from last month and Ergotron's emphasis on standing more. So if you find yourself sitting more than 6 hours a day, get some kind of ergonomic stand-up workstation. A workstation that allows one to sit or stand works best.

I'm working on a new info-graphic that focuses on the 100s of calories burned during the day be simply standing more. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Standing desks and workstations

Do you want to boost your creativity and improve your health? Try standing more while you work at your computer.

For full disclosure: I work for Ergotron and we make all kinds of computer mounting solutions, including stand-up workstations (those are my arms in the photo at left).

It is a very simple equation: standing a little more each day burns extra calories, tones muscles, improves posture, increases blood flow and ramps up metabolism.

On the creative side, being freed from a "desk-sentence" (I can't take credit for that reference to "death sentence" I read it on a blog)... where one is usually hunched over and stuck in one place, and then freed to stand and move around sharpens the mind and creative juices. I can't fully explain it but you have to try it... I have, and I love it.

The standing workstations that Ergotron makes allow the user to stand or sit so if you get tired you can still sit. I think this form of standing while you compute is going to catch-on big in ad agencies and in corporations... we are receiving an enormous amount of positive feedback at Ergotron saying how standing at work is improving their health and productivity.

Monday, January 31, 2011

L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion School

My good friend and fellow creative designer... along with his wife have devoted themselves to their two young children and have made countless sacrifices for their education and care. For example, Steve, stayed home and cared for his young girls and forfeited his salary and seniority at his workplace. He and his wife changed neighborhoods/home for his girls and as parents they spent countless hours choosing the right school for their girls.... and their choice was L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion School (which is in their neighborhood). The school is the crown-jewel for the St. Paul school districts (highly rated, excellent parent involvement...) yet St. Paul wants to move it.

Read more here and please sign the petition to keep the school where it is. Help keep the school where Steve's girls.. and their friends live and where it is dearly wanted.


Creative Remodeling

Interior design is another area where good design sense and production skills pays dividends. I had the unique opportunity to remodel my kit...